Uses of Class

Packages that use Color

Uses of Color in pt.tumba.parser.swf

Subclasses of Color in pt.tumba.parser.swf
 class AlphaColor
          A Color with an Alpha component

Fields in pt.tumba.parser.swf declared as Color
protected  Color Movie.backColor
          Description of the Field
protected  Color FillStyle.color
          Description of the Field
protected  Color LineStyle.color
          Description of the Field
protected  Color SWFSaxWriter.color
          Description of the Field
protected  Color Shape.ColorFill.color
          Description of the Field
protected  Color Shape.LineStyle.color
          Description of the Field
protected  Color MovieBuilder.TextBuilder.color
          Description of the Field
protected  Color Text.Row.color
          Description of the Field
protected  Color[] FillStyle.colors
          Description of the Field
protected  Color[] Shape.GradientFill.colors
          Description of the Field
protected  Color[] Image.Lossless.colorTable
          Description of the Field

Methods in pt.tumba.parser.swf that return Color
 Color Movie.getBackColor()
          Gets the backColor attribute of the Movie object
 Color LineStyle.getColor()
          Gets the color attribute of the LineStyle object
 Color Shape.ColorFill.getColor()
 Color Shape.LineStyle.getColor()
          Gets the color attribute of the LineStyle object
 Color Text.Row.getColor()
          Gets the color attribute of the Row object
 Color[] Shape.GradientFill.getColors()
          Gets the colors attribute of the GradientFill object
 Color[] Image.Lossless.getColorTable()
          Gets the colorTable attribute of the Lossless object
 Color[] FillStyle.getGradientColors()
          Gets the gradientColors attribute of the FillStyle object
 Color FillStyle.getSolidColor()
          Gets the solidColor attribute of the FillStyle object

Methods in pt.tumba.parser.swf with parameters of type Color
 void SWFTagDumper.color(Color color)
          SWFText interface
 void SWF2HTML.TextDumper.color(Color color)
          Description of the Method
 void SWFText.color(Color color)
          Color is AlphaColor for DefineText2
 void TagWriter.SWFTextImpl.color(Color color)
          SWFText interface
 void SWFSaxParser.color(Color color)
          SWFText interface
 void MovieBuilder.TextBuilder.color(Color color)
          SWFText interface
 void SWFSaxParser.defineBitsLossless(int id, int format, int width, int height, Color[] colors, byte[] imageData, boolean hasAlpha)
          Description of the Method
 void SWFTagDumper.defineFillStyle(Color color)
          SWFShape interface
 void SWFShape.defineFillStyle(Color color)
          Solid color fill
 void TagWriter.SWFShapeImpl.defineFillStyle(Color color)
          Description of the Method
 void Shape.defineFillStyle(Color color2)
          Define a color fill
 void SWFSaxParser.defineFillStyle(Color color)
          SWFShape interface
 void MovieBuilder.ShapeBuilder.defineFillStyle(Color color)
          Description of the Method
 void Shape.defineFillStyle(Color[] colors, int[] ratios, Transform matrix, boolean radial)
          Define a gradient fill
 void SWFTagDumper.defineFillStyle(Matrix matrix, int[] ratios, Color[] colors, boolean radial)
          SWFShape interface
 void SWFShape.defineFillStyle(Matrix matrix, int[] ratios, Color[] colors, boolean radial)
          Gradient fill - linear or radial.
 void TagWriter.SWFShapeImpl.defineFillStyle(Matrix matrix, int[] ratios, Color[] colors, boolean radial)
          Description of the Method
 void SWFSaxParser.defineFillStyle(Matrix matrix, int[] ratios, Color[] colors, boolean radial)
          SWFShape interface
 void MovieBuilder.ShapeBuilder.defineFillStyle(Matrix matrix, int[] ratios, Color[] colors, boolean radial)
          Description of the Method
 void Shape.defineLineStyle(double width, Color color2)
          Define a line style
 void SWFTagDumper.defineLineStyle(int width, Color color)
          SWFShape interface
 void SWFShape.defineLineStyle(int width, Color color)
          Description of the Method
 void TagWriter.SWFShapeImpl.defineLineStyle(int width, Color color)
          Description of the Method
 void SWFSaxParser.defineLineStyle(int width, Color color)
          SWFShape interface
 void MovieBuilder.ShapeBuilder.defineLineStyle(int width, Color color)
          Description of the Method
 void SWFTagDumper.dumpBitsLossless(java.lang.String name, int id, int format, int width, int height, Color[] colors, byte[] imageData)
          Description of the Method
 Text.Row Text.row(Font.Chars chars, Color color, double x, double y, boolean hasX, boolean hasY)
          Add a contiguous set of characters that have the same font, size, color and vertical position.
 void Movie.setBackColor(Color color)
          Sets the backColor attribute of the Movie object
 void Shape.ColorFill.setColor(Color color)
          Sets the color attribute of the ColorFill object
 void Shape.LineStyle.setColor(Color color)
          Sets the color attribute of the LineStyle object
 void Shape.GradientFill.setColors(Color[] colors)
          Sets the colors attribute of the GradientFill object
 void SWFTagDumper.tagDefineBitsLossless(int id, int format, int width, int height, Color[] colors, byte[] imageData)
          SWFTagTypes interface
 void SWFTagTypes.tagDefineBitsLossless(int id, int format, int width, int height, Color[] colors, byte[] imageData)
 void TagWriter.tagDefineBitsLossless(int id, int format, int width, int height, Color[] colors, byte[] imageData)
          SWFTagTypes interface
 void SWFSaxParser.tagDefineBitsLossless(int id, int format, int width, int height, Color[] colors, byte[] imageData)
          SWFTagTypes interface
 void MovieBuilder.tagDefineBitsLossless(int id, int format, int width, int height, Color[] colors, byte[] imageData)
          SWFTagTypes interface
 void SWFTagTypesImpl.tagDefineBitsLossless(int id, int format, int width, int height, Color[] colors, byte[] imageData)
          SWFTagTypes interface
 void SWFTagDumper.tagDefineBitsLossless2(int id, int format, int width, int height, Color[] colors, byte[] imageData)
          SWFTagTypes interface
 void SWFTagTypes.tagDefineBitsLossless2(int id, int format, int width, int height, Color[] colors, byte[] imageData)
 void TagWriter.tagDefineBitsLossless2(int id, int format, int width, int height, Color[] colors, byte[] imageData)
          SWFTagTypes interface
 void SWFSaxParser.tagDefineBitsLossless2(int id, int format, int width, int height, Color[] colors, byte[] imageData)
          SWFTagTypes interface
 void MovieBuilder.tagDefineBitsLossless2(int id, int format, int width, int height, Color[] colors, byte[] imageData)
          SWFTagTypes interface
 void SWFTagTypesImpl.tagDefineBitsLossless2(int id, int format, int width, int height, Color[] colors, byte[] imageData)
          SWFTagTypes interface
 void SWFTagDumper.tagSetBackgroundColor(Color color)
          SWFTagTypes interface
 void SWFTagTypes.tagSetBackgroundColor(Color color)
          Description of the Method
 void TagWriter.tagSetBackgroundColor(Color color)
          SWFTagTypes interface
 void SWFSaxParser.tagSetBackgroundColor(Color color)
          SWFTagTypes interface
 void MovieBuilder.tagSetBackgroundColor(Color color)
          SWFTagTypes interface
 void SWFTagTypesImpl.tagSetBackgroundColor(Color color)
          SWFTagTypes interface
 void TagWriter.writeBitsLossless(int id, int format, int width, int height, Color[] colors, byte[] imageData, boolean hasAlpha)
          Description of the Method
protected  void SWFSaxParser.writeColor(Color color)
          Description of the Method

Constructors in pt.tumba.parser.swf with parameters of type Color
AlphaColor(Color color, int alpha)
          Constructor for the AlphaColor object
FillStyle(Color solidColor)
          Solid color fill (alpha depends on the TagDefineShapeX tag used)
FillStyle(Matrix matrix, int[] ratios, Color[] colors, boolean radial)
          Linear/Radial Gradient Fill
Image.Lossless(Color[] colorTable, byte[] imageData, double width, double height, boolean hasAlpha, int format)
LineStyle(int width, Color color)
          Constructor for the LineStyle object
Movie(int width, int height, int frameRate, int version, Color backColor)
          Create a movie with the given properties
Shape.ColorFill(Color color)
          Constructor for the ColorFill object
Shape.GradientFill(Color[] colors, int[] ratios, Transform matrix, boolean isRadial)
          Constructor for the GradientFill object
Shape.LineStyle(double width, Color color)
          Constructor for the LineStyle object
Text.Row(Font.Chars chars, Color color, double x, double y, boolean hasX, boolean hasY)