Uses of Interface

Packages that use SWFVectors

Uses of SWFVectors in pt.tumba.parser.swf

Subinterfaces of SWFVectors in pt.tumba.parser.swf
 interface SWFShape
          Interface for passing shape style information in addition to the basic vectors.

Classes in pt.tumba.parser.swf that implement SWFVectors
protected  class FontLoader.VectorImpl
          Description of the Class
protected  class MovieBuilder.GlyphBuilder
          Description of the Class
protected  class MovieBuilder.MorphShapeBuilder
          Description of the Class
protected  class MovieBuilder.ShapeBuilder
          SWFShape implementation that builds a Shape
 class SWFSaxParser
          A SAX2 parser (XMLReader) that implements the SWFTagTypes interface and produces an XML representation of the Flash movie.
 class SWFTagDumper
          An implementation of the SWFTagTypes interface that produces a debug dump
protected static class TagWriter.Font2ShapeImpl
          Description of the Class
protected static class TagWriter.MorphShapeImpl
          Description of the Class
protected static class TagWriter.SWFShapeImpl
          Implementation of the SWFShape interface

Fields in pt.tumba.parser.swf declared as SWFVectors
protected  SWFVectors SWFSaxWriter.vectors
          Description of the Field

Methods in pt.tumba.parser.swf that return SWFVectors
 SWFVectors SWFTagDumper.tagDefineFont(int id, int numGlyphs)
          SWFTagTypes interface
 SWFVectors SWFTagTypes.tagDefineFont(int id, int numGlyphs)
          The SWFVectors object returned will be called numGlyphs times to pass the vector information for each glyph (each glyph is terminated by calling SWFVectors.done() )
 SWFVectors TagWriter.tagDefineFont(int id, int numGlyphs)
          SWFTagTypes interface
 SWFVectors SWFSaxParser.tagDefineFont(int id, int numGlyphs)
          SWFTagTypes interface
 SWFVectors MovieBuilder.tagDefineFont(int id, int numGlyphs)
          SWFTagTypes interface
 SWFVectors SWFTagTypesImpl.tagDefineFont(int id, int numGlyphs)
          SWFTagTypes interface
 SWFVectors SWFTagDumper.tagDefineFont2(int id, int flags, java.lang.String name, int numGlyphs, int ascent, int descent, int leading, int[] codes, int[] advances, Rect[] bounds, int[] kernCodes1, int[] kernCodes2, int[] kernAdjustments)
          SWFTagTypes interface
 SWFVectors SWFTagTypes.tagDefineFont2(int id, int flags, java.lang.String name, int numGlyphs, int ascent, int descent, int leading, int[] codes, int[] advances, Rect[] bounds, int[] kernCodes1, int[] kernCodes2, int[] kernAdjustments)
          Description of the Method
 SWFVectors SWF2HTML.tagDefineFont2(int id, int flags, java.lang.String name, int numGlyphs, int ascent, int descent, int leading, int[] codes, int[] advances, Rect[] bounds, int[] kernCodes1, int[] kernCodes2, int[] kernAdjustments)
          SWFTagTypes interface Save the character code info
 SWFVectors FontLoader.tagDefineFont2(int id, int flags, java.lang.String name, int numGlyphs, int ascent, int descent, int leading, int[] codes, int[] advances, Rect[] bounds, int[] kernCodes1, int[] kernCodes2, int[] kernAdjustments)
          SWFTagTypes Interface
 SWFVectors TagWriter.tagDefineFont2(int id, int flags, java.lang.String name, int numGlyphs, int ascent, int descent, int leading, int[] codes, int[] advances, Rect[] bounds, int[] kernCodes1, int[] kernCodes2, int[] kernAdjustments)
          SWFTagTypes interface
 SWFVectors SWFSaxParser.tagDefineFont2(int id, int flags, java.lang.String name, int numGlyphs, int ascent, int descent, int leading, int[] codes, int[] advances, Rect[] bounds, int[] kernCodes1, int[] kernCodes2, int[] kernAdjustments)
          SWFTagTypes interface
 SWFVectors MovieBuilder.tagDefineFont2(int id, int flags, java.lang.String name, int numGlyphs, int ascent, int descent, int leading, int[] codes, int[] advances, Rect[] bounds, int[] kernCodes1, int[] kernCodes2, int[] kernAdjustments)
          SWFTagTypes interface
 SWFVectors SWFTagTypesImpl.tagDefineFont2(int id, int flags, java.lang.String name, int numGlyphs, int ascent, int descent, int leading, int[] codes, int[] advances, Rect[] bounds, int[] kernCodes1, int[] kernCodes2, int[] kernAdjustments)
          SWFTagTypes interface

Methods in pt.tumba.parser.swf with parameters of type SWFVectors
protected  void TagParser.parseChangeRecord(InStream in, int flags, SWFVectors vectors, SWFShape shape, boolean hasAlpha, int[] numFillBits2, int[] numLineBits2)
          Description of the Method
protected  void TagParser.parseShape(InStream in, SWFVectors vectors, boolean hasStyle, boolean hasAlpha)
          Description of the Method
protected  void Shape.writeGlyph(SWFVectors vecs)
          Description of the Method
protected  void Shape.writeVector(SWFVectors vecs, java.lang.Object el)
          Description of the Method